Saturday, February 16, 2013

THE 100th day of school!

We are so lucky to have THIS mom that made this awesome banner for our class:
It made the 100th day of school 100 times more exciting!!!

 Here are some of our celebrations:
Reading "The 50 Hike"
 Putting together this puzzle (which was actually REALLY hard)
 Counting and popping 100 kernels of popcorn:
 more of reading "The 50 Hike"

Guessing how far 100 steps is in the hall, then counting it:
100 pieces of cereal to start the day: 
  It was QUITE obvious that not everyone counted out 100 pieces of cereal.....
 Did I mention that we dressed like we were 100 years old???
 Look at those grey hairs!!!
 The Macarena count to 100:
 Writing from 1-100 with the 4th grade buddies:
 Their hats have 100 dots

 They grow up so fast...
 We just HAD to take this picture shaking the cane:

 A 100 year old chair!!!
 And HERE is what the kids would REALLY look like at age 100:
 I myself hardly need the iphone app to age myself:
 Our class book:

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