Friday, September 21, 2012

I I Iguana

The BYU Bean museum has an AWESOME outreach program where they bring animals to you. They also have great programs at the museum. During our study of the letter Ii, we invited them to bring the reptile show so the students could meet an iguana.

Touching the snake skin:
 Reptiles lay SOFT eggs

Crocodiles have pointer heads than alligators 

They almost dropped it- that thing is heavier than it looks 
 Crocodile skin is so tough that the only animal that can cut through it is a hippo

 An idea for a Halloween costume...
Turtles are reptiles 

I laughed when I noticed that the kids thought this snake was alive 
 Holy snake skin!
 Cuddles the snake -are you serious?
 Duke the iguana
 Iguanas are not good climbers and often fall out of trees. However, they can fall over 50 feet without getting hurt!

Kindergarteners often have trouble producing the /i/ sound. I hope the opportunity to meet and pet the iguana will help everyone. Ask your child what they enjoyed most about this day.

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