Friday, March 30, 2012


What did we do with the fiSH? We bruSHed the fiSH, craSHed the fiSH, SHared the fiSH, muSHed the fiSH and SHook the fish. Was there anything else we should have done with the fiSH?
 We made these take home reminders for the "sh" digraph. It's a SHell. Was this helpful for your child?
We played this SHeep game too. Let's hope they all got the SH down by now

Friday, March 23, 2012

International Night

A big thanks to all the PARENTS for making this night a great success! We had our entire class except one student show up- that's amazing! 

Our grade presented the country of Peru, but our dance performance was from Africa so that was a little confusing, but you can tell that the kids really didn't mind:

 Can you tell they had a great time?

So did we!

the -one family

With much patience I constructed this paper cone!!! We listed the -one words on it. We should have had a scone party to go along with this week, but there's a rule about homemade food...grr!

Here is "orange chair" center where the kids are making words with Bendaroos/Wiki stix

Sunday, March 18, 2012

St Patty's

Almost everyone wore green and a leprechaun came to visit our class. What more could we ask for?

Friday, March 9, 2012

the -ake family

What can YOU do with a cake?
 shake with a cake?
 bake a cake?
rake with a cake?

Every student got to pick something -ake for their picture and we made a totally awesome class book

Monday, March 5, 2012

Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss!

The talented Dr. Seuss was born on March 2nd and we were sure to celebrate. We made THREE class books:
 We dressed up like Thing 1 and Thing 2. This idea turned out better than I thought because almost the entire class wore red! These kids are awesome!
The kids also brought 2 things from home that rhyme and we played Seuss games all day!

Friday, March 2, 2012

7 Habits of Happy Kids

Ever heard of the 7 habits of highly effective people by Stephen R. Covey? Now there is a version available for kids called The 7 Habits of Happy Kids. In our class we have already studied the first 2 habits and I have seen wonderful results. The students understanding will grow even deeper when these habits are enforced at home. Go here to learn more for yourself. And your child can also learn more about the habits by playing here. I cannot tell you how helpful it is to see the students take responsibility for implementing the habits into their own lives. I hope you express an interest and make time to discuss with your child the impact that these habits can have on their life. In class we will continue to learn a new habit each week. Please share with me any success you notice at home- I'd LOVE to hear it!

Thursday, March 1, 2012

More Valentines Day!

The students got to make a valentines message into a puzzle and make their own bag for receiving valentines. As you can tell, they were very focused:
I offer a special thanks to Megan's mom for sharing these fantastic pictures!